Tag Archives: LifeHouse

Second Cover Photos – June

This gallery contains 5 photos.

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Have you been Flocked?

Our Lady of the Snows Youth are flocking friends around town to raise money to go to camp! “What is flocking?” you might ask. Well we’ve been putting a “flock” or group of lawn flamingos in people’s front yards with … Continue reading

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Welcome Back from Oakbridge

Last week Snows took 10 people to Oakbridge camp, and it was a blast!!! The week was filled with so much fun, memories, and laughter!!! We hope that those who went were able to experience God in a new way, … Continue reading

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Congratulations Steven, Emily, William, Patrick, Kenneth, and Owen!

The LifeHouse would like to congratulate all those who received their First Communion on Sunday My 8!  We are super excited for you, and we pray that you continue to seek spiritual nourishment from the Eucharist!!!

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